How to Deliver Housing and Growth: Making Development Work for All
Increasing housing delivery not only provides homes for people but it is also a key component of economic growth. Our panel of experts deliberate how well the industry is prepared to deliver housing targets, how the planning system needs to adapt and what challenges are faced by those who are at the forefront of housebuilding.
Ian Barnett
Ian Barnett
Ian joined LRG in 2012 and has been the Group’s National Land Director since 2017. After graduating from UCL with a Master’s degree in International Town Planning, Ian began his career with Vail Williams in Guildford, before joining Broadway Malyan where he worked on a number of major urban extension projects in the UK as well as projects in Canada. As a ‘dual-qualified’ Chartered Town Planner (MRTPI) and a Chartered Surveyor (MRICS), Ian has built a reputation for identifying development sites and providing landowners with honest, informed, professional advice, informed by his understanding of the planning system, commercial awareness and extensive network of contacts in the development industry.

Philip Barnes
Philip Barnes
Group Land and Planning Director for UK’s largest housebuilder. Represents Barratt on land acquisition and planning strategy. FRTPI, FRICS.

Millie Dodd
Millie Dodd
Millie, a Politics and International Relations graduate from the University of Southampton, specializes in amplifying hard-to-reach voices. Through Just Build Homes, she advocates for young people in planning, ensuring those affected by the housing crisis are heard. Her work has helped secure approval for thousands of new homes.
Karen Charles
Karen Charles
Karen is an Executive Director and Head of Boyer’s Wokingham office. Karen joined Boyer in 2016, prior to which she was the Head of Cushman & Wakefield’s (formerly DTZ) London Planning Team. Karen has advised on a wide range of projects across many different sectors but more recently has predominantly advised on residential development in the Thames Valley and surrounding area. Karen has experience managing a wide range of complex projects including development within the Green Belt, brownfield regeneration, and heritage projects. Karen also advises on site promotion through the local plan process, has given evidence at Local Plan examinations, and has advised on litigation and appeal work.

Paul Brocklehurst
Paul Brocklehurst
Paul has chaired the LPDF since its founding in 2018. Formerly CEO of Catesby Estates, he now focuses on the Federation’s policy influence while remaining active in planning. Passionate about boosting housing delivery and affordability, he advocates for addressing generational unfairness in the UK housing market.